flying the finnish flag

Marketing Finland To The World

I am passionate about helping Finnish brands find their foothold in the world. The problem with getting Finland out there in the world is that Finns don’t like to make a fuss about themselves.

But, whether it’s software or FMCG, I know that Finland has some of the best products out there. We also have a great culture and society that I love talking about and promoting to the world. In order to share my love of Nordics with the world, I have created Nordic Life, a Nordic lifestyle & news website.

Suomalaiset brändit maailmalla

Suomessa tehdään ihan uskomattoman hienoja juttuja, mutta niistä ei aina osata kertoa muille.

Minusta on ihanaa tukea suomalaista osaamista maailmalla, ja tuoda suomalaisia tarinoita esille suuremmalle yleisölle. Suomalaiset ovat usein turhan vaatimattomia…

Olen tehnyt kansainvälistä markkinointia Euroopassa ja Amerikassa ja tiedän miten suomalaisia brändejä voidaan markkinoida ulkomailla.

Let's make Finland (more) famous

Let me make a fuss for you and market your awesome Finnish brand and products to the world.

I will use everything I have learned to make sure you get the airtime you deserve.

  • Succeed in the global market with a realistic growth strategy
  • Work with a Finnish-English copywriter who truly ‘gets’ your brand
  • Update your international marketing strategy so that it’s multichannel and digital
  • Premium Finnish-to-English translation
  • Finnish project management, briefing etc. Mulle saa puhua suomea 😉

About me

Copywriter who specialises in all things digital, tech, and SEO for the Nordics. Also Finnish to English translation. Love B2B, tech and the arts.

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Ready to talk?

Let's start with a conversation and see how it goes.
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