
I Love Businesses Who Care About Their Content

Today, I was struck by a notice I read in a toilet (of all places). It was just a generic notice about what to do in the loo. But actually, it wasn’t generic at all. It had personality. It packed a punch. It told a story. And it got me thinking about how much I appreciate businesses who put effort into their content. Why? It makes the reader (me) feel special. It makes me warm to the business. It makes me smile. It brightens my day. But more importantly, it makes me question all the other subpar notices I have read in loos. Because if you have the time, love, and energy to write a witty notice for the loos, I think it says quite a lot about where you are as a business. And I know for a fact that I have made past purchase decisions based solely on the quality of a business’s content marketing. So let’s all put a little more love into it.

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Copywriter who specialises in all things digital, tech, and SEO for the Nordics. Also Finnish to English translation. Love B2B, tech and the arts.

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